Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sleep to be smart, sexy and slim

This book reveals the secret to getting a good night's sleep by Dean Ornish, MD. Discover why women aren't sleeping and what they can do about it—a good night's sleep leads to a healthy lifestyle where the average woman can feel sexy, smart, and slim. When you are sleep deprived, the authors write, "you don’t think straight, make good decisions, remember where you parked the car, or feel like making love." But when you do sleep, "your brain runs a checklist that would put NASA to shame. Every system is being fine-tuned, reset, cleaned up, and restored to optimal operating mode by an army of molecular troubleshooters." Now every woman can discover the whole-life secrets of getting the best possible benefits from this blissful slumber. Showcasing dozens of tips from the nation’s foremost clinicians and physicians in the field of sleep disorders, along with memorable testimonials from diverse women who share their best sleep solutions, Sleep to be Sexy, Smart, and Slim puts the outdated myths to bed and awakens readers to a new world of joy and vitality.

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